How to go from Product/Service Launch to Market-Fit
How to go from Product/Service Launch to Market-Fit
Emerging as a brand and business is a on your entrepreneurial journey, it can also feel daunting [overwhelming]. There are many steps to take from launching to getting to market-fit. This class breaks down [sheds light] on the nuances of each stage of the Starter phase of building -- the phase where you are putting your business out into the world and clarifying your core service/offerings and getting crystal clear on who your core customer is. This class goes into detail about each micro step of the Starter phase and what to focus on and when to [effectively] go from concepting out your idea to getting to a place where you are ready to build traction. [from proof of concept to market-fit] [Learn how to go from a seedling of an idea to clarifying audience/market fit]
What will I learn from this class?
This class teaches [you] [how to]:
The difference phases and stages of entrepreneurial growth and what to focus on during each phase with a deep dive on the Starter phase
How to Establish Your Proof of Concept -- a test of the potential of your idea/offering(s)
How to evolve from Proof of Concept to Prototype -- a test for how your idea/offering(s) could work
How to evolve from Prototype to Pilot -- the first iteration of your idea/offering(s) that you intent to scale, in time
How to evolve from Pilot to Minimum Viable Product -- an optimized version of your Pilot that, when done will be ready to start investing marketing energy and resources against
Class attendance includes The Roadmap--overview of all the phases and stages of growth and the Starter Kit [description here].