The 15 Types Of Women You Need in Your Life to Propel You Forward


In her book, You’re Not Lost, author and speaker, Maxie McCoy, shares the 15 person roster of women that support and propel her in her life and gave us the opportunity to share that part of her book with The Big Whisper community. Below is an excerpt directly from Maxie’s book.

On your journey to finding your way, there’s nothing more powerful and more needed than a community. None of us can rise to the top alone. And we’re growing up and building a life at a time when the expectations for our relationships among women are as high as the depth we expect from those friendships. It’s less about catty shit where evening cocktails are filled with the latest gossip and more about lunches that turn into dream-brainstorms because you just can’t help but be excited for where your gal pal is going.

I’ve thought about the different roles of the women in my girl gang that have been so necessary over the years, because people ask what they should be looking for when building theirs. Here’s my fifteen-person girl gang roster so you can keep an eye out for them in your own life. One of the greatest investments you can make in your future is in the women who will get you into action today.

1. The Manifester

We all need help with our dreams. And some people are really good at lighting a candle when you need it most. Just knowing you have someone on your side to send up some wishes will remind you that there’s more support around you than meets the eye. Find someone who has a special skill for helping you see your own strength and supporting your dreams so that they come into reality quicker.

2. The Triumphant Contemporary

I’ve been graced with too many of these to count. This is the bestie who’s killing it—likely, your most successful friend or the peer who shows you the ropes. You want a friend who is going to be more excited about your success than you are, because she has enough of her own.

3. The Mentor

Mentors have landed me every major break I’ve ever had. From writing gigs to TV spots to team tryouts to promotions to an agent. They get [CE2] where you’re going. They leverage. They call you on your missteps. And they’re as willing to learn as they are to give, thus allowing a beautiful two-way street of information, love, help, and genius.

4. The Coach

Because of a coach, I had help creating a strategy to go to Bali and stay there for months. Because of a coach, I’ve been able to hire people onto my team. These are the friends who are not afraid to give you feedback and help you get to the insight that will lead to your own personal breakthrough.

5. The Energizer

This is the person who fills you to the brim with positivity, light, and oh so inspired energy. She’s the person you leave skipping, truly skipping, after being in her presence. This might be one person or it might be your whole girl gang. Pay attention and keep close those who fill you. And always try to be an Energizer in return.

6. The Recharge

Who do you feel comfortable with when you’re running low, feeling the yellowy orange of power-saving mode? Who can you let down all of your guard and not have to “act” in front of? Who lets you recharge when the rest of the world wants your energy? And a little lesson learned the hard way about these people: While they hold the space for you to be drained, they deserve your best too.

7. The Cuppa

This is the person who you can have endless long talks with about shit that just doesn’t matter, and even longer talks about everything that does. She’s both your hot-tea-until-it’s-cold-on-the-couch person and wine-nights-that-leave-you-with-a-massive-hangover-and-an-even-happier-heart person.

8. The Believer

They believe in everything you are, what you’ve done, and what you still have left to do. They don’t flinch when you stumble and they don’t blink when you screw up; rather, they’re always ones to extend a hand to get you back where they know you want to be. They believe in humanity and they believe in you and, more important, your reason for greatness.

9. The Spark

They are a quick strike of energy that gets everything moving—the ideas, the creative frustration, the introductions. You can always turn to them to kick-start momentum because they’re great at knowing what to say to get you to begin.

10. The Love

Everybody needs epic love. Friends are so, so good at laying on the love when we need it most. This is the person always flowing with love regardless of what’s going on. She can deafen your pain with a single bear hug and return you to yourself when you need it most.

11. The Sister

Sibling or not, this woman knows you and believes in you, fiercely. She’s the one who you can pick up with weeks later. She’s also the one who never fails to call you on your shit. She’ll answer the phone in the middle of the night. She’ll make you laugh in the face of tears. She’ll key that asshole’s car. She’ll look at pictures of the rash on your butt and attempt to diagnose it from eight thousand miles away. And she’ll always share her wine.

12. The Planner

They just get things going. They’re the friends who’ll send over a mean spreadsheet template when your budget needs a refresh, or they’ll forward their contract template for you to copy when you start your consulting business. They’re always planning fun trips or nights out, yet they give you structure where you need it and keep you committed to progress.

13. The Mystic

This is that super existential friend who is always reminding you that none of this really matters and that we’re a part of something so much bigger. She gives you reason to hope and reminders that your thoughts are creating your reality. The Mystic will geek out with you on the #universe and quantum physics, and brings you out of the bullshit and the day-to-day to dream big, see bigger, and understand that our interconnectedness goes far beyond this life.

14. The Anchor

In their presence you’ll always feel at home and want to stay there when life gets crazy and things go awry. In their presence you remember that none of this is really that bad and that, indeed, this too shall pass.

15. The Strategist

This is someone who’s really good at helping you see four steps ahead to make a decision about what to do right now. She can beautifully pull out the answers that you already have inside you and help you see what you already know.

Maxie McCoy is a women's leadership expert obsessed with giving women the tools they need to believe in themselves. Committed to the global rise of women, she writes weekly inspiration on, and specializes in creating offline experiences for top brands. Her work has been featured on Good Morning America, Bustle, Fortune, INC, Women's Health, and more.